Old Wiki:Stastations

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Description of the staStations Table in the EVEmu database.

Field Name Field Type Nullable Key
'stationID' int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY
'security' smallint(6) NULL
'dockingCostPerVolume' double NULL
'maxShipVolumeDockable' double NULL
'officeRentalCost' int(11) NULL
'operationID' tinyint(3) unsigned NULL
'stationTypeID' int(11) NULL
'corporationID' int(11) NULL
'solarSystemID' int(11) NULL
'constellationID' int(11) NULL
'regionID' int(11) NULL
'stationName' varchar(100) NULL
'x' double NULL
'y ' double NULL
'z' double NULL
'reprocessingEfficiency' double NULL
'reprocessingStationsTake' double NULL
'reprocessingHangarFlag' tinyint(4) NULL

Description of the fields


The unique number for each station. Many tables refer to this number.


More information needed.


Docking fees based on ship volume.


In game description of the item/ship/implant/station/etc. As appears in the Info window.


Base rental costs for any corporation offices on this station.


More information needed.


Coordinate system for the station and undocking. Also keeps the hangar and docking bay graphics. Refers to the stastationtypes table.


The corporation owning the station. Refers to the corporation table.


Solar system the station is located. Refers to the mapsolarsystems table.


Constellation the station is located. Refers to the mapconstellations table.


Region the station is located. Refers to the mapregions table.


The name of the station.


The x coordinate in the system.


The y coordinate in the system.


The z coordinate in the system.


The efficiency of the reprocessing facilities. A value of 0.5 represents 50%


The amount of resources a station takes if standings are neutral.


More information needed. May refer to flagID in the invflags table (value is Hangar)