Old Wiki:Service Descriptions

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EVE Service Information

the communication framework of eve is based around the concept of services. There are a ton of them, and CCP likes to give them unusual names. This page is to document the names and functionalities of each service.

Server Services

  • authentication - Login
  • account - Overall account information
  • character - char select, char creation, many char related things
  • CharMgr - Character Management, probably things like inventory, drones, speed? maybe
  • LSC - Large Scale Chat - the chat and mail service
  • lookup - char name resolution
  • config - Server-side char specific settings
  • corporationSvc - faction info
  • corpRegistry - per-player corp stuff? (Possible Corp Creation Stuff?)
  • corpStationMgr - corp related things at a station (Eg. Corp Hanger, Role Permisions
  • dogmaIM - a lot of char-specific stuff
  • invbroker - inventory management
  • beyonce - Server side of the destiny stuff (renderer), talks to michelle
  • insuranceSvc - insurance stuff?
  • ship - ship stuff?
  • standing2 - Standings
  • stationSvc - a very minimal amount of station stuff.
  • station - some station stuff
  • agentMgr - agent stuff
  • alert - bean counting, exception counting/catching stuff..
  • billMgr - bills?
  • bookmark - bookmark?
  • map - map stuff
  • objectCaching - cached object retreval
  • onlineStatus - intial status stuff
  • tutorialSvc - tutorial stuff

Client Services

  • michelle - The client side interface into the destiny renderer
  • godma - client side of dogmaIM?