Old Wiki:Module Effects Info and Actions Complete List

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  • online (effectID = 16) - effective in module ONLINE state and is applicable in all states except for OFFLINE
    • modifies powerLoad (attributeID = 15) using power (attributeID = 30) from the module
    • modifies cpuLoad (attributeID = 49) using cpu (attributeID = 50) from the module
  • Capacitor Consumption - this needs copy pasted to EVERY Active module on this page since there is no one separate effectID that can be used to associate with this effect
    • modifies charge (attributeID = 18) using capacitorNeed (attributeID = 6) from the module once per cycle while the module is in the Activated state

dgmEffectsInfo General Use Effects
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
16 15 30 2002 2003 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 Online effect to apply loading to Ship's power
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
16 49 50 2002 2003 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 Online effect to apply loading to Ship's cpu
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
<effectID> 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle


Armor Hardeners - groupID 328

Some information about resonances. The same math applies to shield resonances as it does to armor resonances.

New_Resonance = Current_Resonance * (1 + (resonanceBonus / 100))
where resonanceBonus is a number between 0 and 100 and is a percent (%)

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 328 - Armor Hardeners
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2084 267 994 2012 2013 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2084 268 995 2012 2013 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2084 269 996 2012 2013 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2084 270 997 2012 2013 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2098 267 984 2012 2013 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2098 268 985 2012 2013 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2098 269 986 2012 2013 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2098 270 987 2012 2013 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2098 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3029 984 1208 2012 2013 1500 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3030 987 1208 2012 2013 1500 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3031 985 1208 2012 2013 1500 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3032 986 1208 2012 2013 1500 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 328 - Armor Hardeners
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
2084 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
2098 1103 1 2084
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3029 1104 1 2084
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3030 1104 1 2084
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3031 1104 1 2084
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3032 1104 1 2084

MicroWarpdrives and Afterburners - groupID 46

For Microwarpdrives and Afterburners, a special case amongst modules, the calculation to change the ship's max velocity is different than any other module.

Note the following (for both afterburners and MWDs):

  • 1mn = add 500,000kg to mass
  • 10mn = add 5,000,000kg to mass
  • 100mn = add 50,000,000kg to mass

The equation is New Max Velocity = Base Velocity * (1 + (BoostAmount / (ShipMass + PenaltyMass) * BoostAmount * AcclControlLevel))

So a Taranis with a T2 MWD and Acceleration Control skill trained to Level 3 will have a maximum velocity of:

525 m/s base with Navigation skill at Level 5
525 + 525 * (1,500,000kg / (1,075,000kg + 500,000kg) * 5.5 * 1.15) = 3,687.5 m/s

The equation holds true for both afterburners and microwarpdrives.

A second source for the equation shows:

Cruising speed = (base speed of ship + increase/decrease from Overdrives/Nanofibers/Expanded Cargoholds) * (1 + navigation skill level * 0.05) * (1 + racial ship skill level * x [where applicable]) * (velocity implant(s)) * (gang skill/warfare module bonus(es)) 
Boosted speed (i.e. the top speed when the boosting module is active)
= Cruising speed * (1 + (base boost of AB or MWD * (1 + accel control level * 0.05) * (ab/mwd implant(s)) * (thrust / (ship mass + modules mass)))
Overloaded speed (i.e. the top speed when the boosting module is active AND overloaded)
= Cruising speed * (1 + (base boost of AB or MWD * (1 + accel control level * 0.05) * (ab/mwd implant(s)) * (thrust / (ship mass + modules mass)))

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 46 - Afterburners
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
58 482 147 2005 2004 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 NOTE - Check to make sure this effect is not subject to Stacking Penalty!!!
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
710 4 796 2002 2003 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
710 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
712 37 20 2014 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1253 4 796 2002 2003 1500 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700 Adds mass to ship
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3175 20 1223 2012 2013 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 46 - Microwarpdrives - Same as Afterburner + the one below
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1254 4 796 2002 2003 1500 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700 Adds mass to ship
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1254 552 554 2012 2013 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 46 - Microwarpdrives and Afterburners
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
58 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
710 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
712 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
1253 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
1254 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3175 1104 0 0

Shield Boosters - groupID 40

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 40 - Shield Boosters
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
4 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
4 264 68 2002 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3201 73 1206 2006 2007 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3201 68 1231 2002 2003 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 40 - Shield Boosters
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
4 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3201 1104 0 0

Energy Destabilizers - groupID 71

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 71 - Energy Destabilizers
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2303 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2303 18 97 2003 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3002 73 1206 2006 2007 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 71 - Energy Destabilizers
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
2303 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3002 1104 0 0

Projectile Weapon - groupID 55

Effective "DPS" as we know it seems to be a complete sum of all damage types' damage values from a charge multiplied by the damageMultiplier on the weapon module. Now, of course, EVEmu won't be summing the damage and applying it to the target in a composite way, but each of the four damage types will have their own value to be applied to the target as a package of four damage values, each to be applied to the resistances of the target, whatever they may be. For the purposes of the Fitting window and EFT's "DPS" calculation, the damage types' values are all summed.

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 55 - Projectile Weapon
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 114 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 34 - projectileFired
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 116 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 34 - projectileFired
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 117 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 34 - projectileFired
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 118 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 34 - projectileFired
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3001 51 1205 2008 2009 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3025 64 1210 2012 2013 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 55 - Projectile Weapon
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
34 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3001 1104 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3025 1104 0 0

Projectile Weapon Charge - groupID 83

NOT A MODULE this is a weapon charge loaded INTO a Projectile Weapon module.

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 55 - Projectile Weapon
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
596 54 120 2005 2004 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 We're assuming this affects maxRange attribute on a weapon module
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
600 160 244 2005 2004 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 It's pretty clear that this affects weapon trackingSpeed attribute
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1173 64 779 2000 2000 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 This is used for nothing that we can determine! We're leaving calculation type to NONE for now.

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 55 - Projectile Weapon
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
596 1203 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
600 1203 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
1173 1203 0 0

Hybrid Weapon - groupID 74

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 74 - Hybrid Weapon
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 114 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 34 - projectileFired
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 116 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 34 - projectileFired
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 117 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 34 - projectileFired
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
34 118 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 34 - projectileFired
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3001 51 1205 2008 2009 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3025 64 1210 2012 2013 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 74 - Hybrid Weapon
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
34 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3001 1104 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3025 1104 0 0

Hybrid Weapon Charge - groupID 83

NOT A MODULE this is a weapon charge loaded INTO a Hybrid Weapon module.

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 85 - Hybrid Weapon
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
596 54 120 2008 2009 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 We're assuming this affects maxRange attribute on a weapon module
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
804 6 317 2012 2013 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 It's pretty clear that this affects weapon capacitor need

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 85 - Hybrid Weapon
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
596 1203 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
804 1203 0 0

Energy Weapon - groupID 53

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 53 - Energy Weapon
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
10 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
10 114 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 10 - targetAttack
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
10 116 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 10 - targetAttack
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
10 117 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 10 - targetAttack
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
10 118 64 2005 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Primary damage dealing effectID 10 - targetAttack
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3001 51 1205 2008 2009 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3025 64 1210 2012 2013 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 53 - Energy Weapon
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
10 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3001 1104 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3025 1104 0 0

Energy Weapon Charge - groupID 86

NOT A MODULE this is a weapon charge loaded INTO a Energy Weapon module.

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 86 - Energy Weapon Charge
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
596 54 120 2008 2009 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 We're assuming this affects maxRange attribute on a weapon module
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
804 6 317 2012 2013 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 It's pretty clear that this affects weapon capacitor need

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 86 - Energy Weapon Charge
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
596 1203 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
804 1203 0 0

Hybrid Weapon Charge - groupID 83

NOT A MODULE this is a weapon charge loaded INTO a Hybrid Weapon module.

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 85 - Hybrid Weapon
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
596 54 120 2008 2009 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 We're assuming this affects maxRange attribute on a weapon module
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
804 6 317 2012 2013 1504 1300
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700 It's pretty clear that this affects weapon capacitor need

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 85 - Hybrid Weapon
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
596 1203 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
804 1203 0 0

Electronic Countermeasure - groupID 201

A post on EVE Gate claims that jamming is always 100%, so he suggests this formula (which obviously cannot be true but fun for laughs):

The true ECM formula is below:

$ C = (1 - (1 - J/S)^{n}) * 0 + 100 $

J = Jamming strength of ECM modules (Previously modified with falloff/skills/etc)
S = Sensor strength of ship
n = Number of jammers
C = Chance to jam (%)

Instead, he declares jamming overpowered and then suggests this formula, which is 1024 times as laughable as the last one:

$ P = (J + S)^{(N + 4)^{1024}} $

J = Jamming strength of ECM modules (Previously modified with falloff/skills/etc)
S = Sensor strength of ship
n = Number of jammers
P = Points of damage the ship which uses the ECM modules receives

I'm willing to bet the real formula is actually this (which is confirmed on wiki.eveonline.com article here):

$ C = 1 - (1 - J/S)^n $

J = Jamming strength of ECM modules (Previously modified with falloff/skills/etc)
S = Sensor strength of ship
n = Number of jammers
C = Chance to jam (%)

We will use this last formula, but might consider the formula above this one.... NOT, LOL.

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 201 - Electronic Countermeasure
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1358 18 6 2003 2000 1501 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1602 0 "" 1700 Active effect to consume capacitor charge each cycle
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1358 208 241 2015 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1358 209 239 2015 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1358 210 240 2015 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
1358 211 238 2015 2000 1502 1302
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3182 241 1225 2006 2007 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3182 239 1225 2006 2007 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3182 240 1225 2006 2007 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3182 238 1225 2006 2007 1500 1303
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1601 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 201 - Electronic Countermeasure
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
1358 1103 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3182 1104 0 0


Armor Plating - groupID 540

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 540 - Armor Plating
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
63 265 148 2005 2006 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2041 267 984 2012 2013 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2041 268 985 2012 2013 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2041 269 986 2012 2013 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
2041 270 987 2012 2013 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 540 - Armor Plating
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
63 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
2041 1102 0 0

Cap Rechargers - groupID 43

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 43 - Cap Rechargers
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
51 55 144 2005 2006 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1701

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 43 - Cap Rechargers
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
51 1102 0 0

Power Diagnostic Systems - groupID 766

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 766 - Power Diagnostic Systems
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
50 479 134 2005 2006 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
51 55 144 2005 2006 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
56 11 145 2005 2006 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
57 263 146 2005 2006 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
58 482 147 2005 2006 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 0 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 766 - Power Diagnostic Systems
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
50 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
51 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
56 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
57 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
58 1102 0 0

Gyrostabilizers - groupID 59

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 40 - Shield Boosters
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
89 51 204 2005 2004 1503 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "55" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
92 64 64 2005 2004 1503 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "55" 1701

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 40 - Shield Boosters
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
89 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
92 1102 0 0

Shield Power Relays - groupID 57

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 40 - Shield Boosters
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
50 479 134 2005 2004 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
51 55 144 2005 2004 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
56 11 145 2005 2004 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
57 263 156 2005 2004 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "" 1700
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
58 482 147 2005 2004 1501 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "" 1700

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 40 - Shield Boosters
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
50 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
51 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
56 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
57 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
58 1102 0 0

Tracking Enhancers - groupID 211

dgmEffectsInfo - groupID 211 - Tracking Enhancers
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3655 54 351 2012 2013 1503 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "53,54,55,74" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
3656 160 767 2012 2013 1503 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "53,55,74" 1701
* effectID targetAttributeID sourceAttributeID calculationTypeID reverseCalculationTypeID effectAppliedTo effectAppliedBehavior
4527 158 349 2012 2013 1503 1301
effectApplicationType targetEquipmentType targetGroupIDs stackingPenaltyApplied
1600 1400 "53,55,74" 1701

dgmEffectsActions - groupID 211 - Tracking Enhancers
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3655 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
3656 1102 0 0
* effectID effectAppliedInState nullifyOnlineEffect nullifiedOnlineEffectID
4527 1102 0 0