Old Wiki:Lpstore

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Description of the lpstore Table in the EVEmu database.

Field Name Field Type Nullable Key
'storeID' int(5) unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY
'corporationID' int(10) NOT NULL
'typeID' int(10) NOT NULL
'quantity' int(10) NOT NULL
'lpCost' int(10) NOT NULL
'iskCost' int(10) NOT NULL

Description of the fields


This is the StoreID in the table Lprequireditems. Incremental for every offer.


The corporationID of the item(s) needed to purchase. Refers to the corporation table.


The typeID of the item given. Refers to the invtypes table.


The quantity of the items (typeID) given.


The Loyalty Points (LP) needed to make a purchase.


The ISK needed to make a purchase.