Old Wiki:EVEmu Connect

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EVEmu Forums


Code_Red has been kind enough to keep a multi-channel Teamspeak server running for our use whenever we want to talk to each other during development, testing, or just shooting the breeze. Here are the connection details:

  • Teamspeak 3.x
  • server address: evemu-serv.servehttp.com
  • port: 9989

  • PS - please do not bug the other inhabitants on the other ports, thanks in advance. - Code_Red


Finding an IRC Client

You can select a client of preference from this list IRC Client Comparison. Also you can use web based IRC clients like mibbit For this tutorial we are gonna be using Smuxi for its cross platform availability.

Here are some IRC client favorites of some of our more active people:

  • IceChat - Aknor (he likes v7 over v9 though ;)
  • ZNC - ozatomic
  • KVirc - various
  • xchat - various
  • mIRC - various folks like this, but it's not free :(

Downloading and installing

The downloading and installation process are explained in detailed in Smuxis download page.

Additional info

If whatever client prompts you for installing additional software its advised to only keep the vital parts of the client, as it might install unwanted advertising software.

Connecting to the server

Initial Setting Up

You are only required to follow the following steps on first run.

At the first execution of the client, you should click on File->Preferences at the top left corner of the window. From there you should only add your nickname on the nickname(s) field. After you are done setting a nickname, click on servers. Click Add. In the new window the only thing you should change is the Hostname field. Insert one from the list below:

  • gork.levelbelow.net (Master - Works)
  • bork.levelbelow.net (Works)
  • aussie.levelbelow.net (Works)
  • irc.evemu.net (Will point to all 3 servers)
  • irc.evemu.com (Will point to all 3 servers)

Former servers (now defunct)

  • irc.evemu.org
  • irc.evemu.info
  • evemu.levelbelow.net

Select OK twice.

Common Connect routine

The following steps are gonna be done each time you wish to connect.

Click Server->Quick Connect. On the left, click the network address you entered and select Connect.

You are now connected to the server

Joining the channel

If you have successfully joined the server, you should head for the editbox and type, depending on your goal one of the following:

/join #evemu (Preferred most people are on here. If you have a question say hi and ask, some people will help you as soon as they see the message.)

/join #evemu-support

Closing Notes

If you successfully have a new tab named evemu, congratulations, you have just connected to the community IRC channel where you can talk live with everyone. If however you failed at some point you should head to the [wiki:FAQ] and look for a possible solution or you can always Google It