Old Wiki:Configuring and Running the Server

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Server Configuration

NOTE: This guide assumes directory structure created in Compiling with CMake guide.

To get the server up and running correctly, you will need to put various files in the correct places, and make modifications to some of them.

Directory Setup

1. Browse to C:\evemu, create the folders bin, etc, log and server_cache
2. Copy eve-server.exe from C:\evemu\build\src\eve-server to C:\evemu\bin
3. Copy libmysql.dll from C:\evemu\mysql\lib\opt to C:\evemu\bin
4. Copy eve-server.xml from C:\evemu\source\utils to C:\evemu\etc.

File Setup

Browse to C:\evemu\log and create empty text file named eve-server.log. Browse to C:\evemu\etc and create empty text file named log.ini OR download the sample log.ini file under Attachements at the bottom of this page. After that go to C:\evemu\etc and open eve-server.xml in your favourite text editor, You will need to change 2 sets of setting(seperated by <> tags)(there are many optional settings to mess around, if you know what you are getting your hands into). We will assume you have followed the previous step of [DatabaseSetup setting up the database] and we will go ahead and show an example of the needed changes (Remember:Every set up is different so use your own setting and don't copy and paste):

Database Tag Changes


  • <database>
  • <host></host>
  • <username>eve</username>
  • <password>eve</password>
  • <db>eve</db>
  • <!--<port>3306</port>-->
  • </database>

Example(You will need to insert your own MySQL username and password),(Please make sure a password is set or client will stop after trying to connect):

  • <database>
  • <host></host>
  • <username>root</username>
  • <password>password</password>
  • <db>evemu</db>
  • <!--<port>3306</port>-->
  • </database>

Net Tag Changes


  • <net>
  • <!-- <port>26001</port> -->
  • </net>

Example(Must be 26000):

  • <net>
  • <port>26000</port>
  • </net>

Files Tag Changes


  • <files>
  • <!-- <log>../log/eve-server.log</log> -->
  • <!-- <logSettings>../etc/log.ini</logSettings> -->
  • <!-- <cacheDir></cacheDir> -->
  • </files>


  • <files>
  • <log>../log/eve-server.log</log>
  • <logSettings>../etc/log.ini</logSettings>
  • <cacheDir>../server_cache</cacheDir>
  • </files>

Here, the ../log/eve-server.log will contain the text from the eve-server console window. The ../etc/log.ini file contains settings to control how eve-server outputs messages to the log. We need more definition as to what goes in this file. Finally, the ../server_cache directory is where the server will create files for all cached objects when the server starts up. NOTE: If any cached database tables change during server down-time, you MUST delete ALL cache files in this directory BEFORE starting up the server again. The server does not check to see if the tables changed.

Keeping The Server Updated

The Evemu core updates very often. To keep your server up to date with the current Evemu revision; you must perform a simple core update and recompile.

1. Use your favorite git gui or the git command line to keep your source up to date 2. Re-run CMake just in case new files were added or old files were removed. 3. You must now rebuild you solution to actually see the changes in game. 4. Run the "evemu" sln with C++ and rebuild the solution **MUST BE SET ON 'DEBUG' or 'RELEASE' (the question of your choise - for now is just a size of exe file on exit. No any stability or workability differences for now,except of some crashes,caused by svcerror and beancount errors on release binary ** 5. Congratulations! Your core is now updated. Do this often to ensure your revision is the current one.

Finishing Notes

NOTE: Tutorials are NON-functioning and WILL cause your client to hang at the infamous "black screen", so DISABLE your tutorials by hitting ESC key, then going under General Settings and uncheck the box next to Show Tutorials.


Then you should be able to run eve-server.exe to start the server. The server log will be stored in C:\evemu\log\eve-server.log if you need it. Wait for the message : "Init Done" before initiating any action associated with the server(Even opening a client). See here for an old forum thread that discusses eve-server restart scripts in the cases where the server crashes, somewhere down the page is a script for windows.


You can just run the eve-server executable in your build directory, or you can use a script to run it, even to restart it if it ever crashes. Here is a forum thread that lists several different scripts on how the eve-server can be restarted if it crashes.