Old Wiki:Category The EVEmu Database Guide

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The EVE Database

See the EVE Database article for a complete listing of tables both brought in by the official CCP static DB dump as well as those created and maintained by the EVEmu project.

Database Table Types

Below is a description of the different table types and a list of tables:

IndexRowset - these are simple keyed tables:

 The following tables are in IndexRowset form:
   TABLENAME                    PRIMARY KEY
   ---------------------------  ------------------
   invcategories                categoryID         
   invgroups                    groupID            
   invmetagroups                metaGroupID        
   invtypes                     typeID             
   invbptypes                   blueprintTypeID    
   dgmattribs                   attributeID        
   dgmeffects                   effectID           
   evegraphics                  graphicID          
   eveunits                     unitID             
   eveowners                    ownerID            
   evelocations                 locationID         
   corptickernames              corporationID      
   allianceshortnames           allianceID         
   ramaltypes                   assemblyLineTypeID 
   ramactivities                activityID
   ramcompletedstatuses         completedStatusID
   mapcelestialdescriptions     celestialID
   certificates                 certificateID
   certificaterelationships     relationshipID
   locationwormholeclasses      locationID

FilterRowset - these are accessed as dicts, keyed on the table's "primary key", and each value is a standard list or an IndexRowset containing the data rows for the key.

 The following tables are in FilterRowset form:
   TABLENAME                    PRIMARY KEY        
   ---------------------------  ------------------
   dgmtypeeffects               typeID
   dgmtypeattribs               typeID
   invmetatypes                 typeID
   invreactiontypes             reactionTypeID
   ramaltypesdetailpercategory  assemblyLineTypeID
   ramaltypesdetailpergroup     assemblyLineTypeID
   ramtyperequirements          typeID
   ramtypematerials             typeID

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