Next Steps

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Welcome! This is the next part in our EVEmu tutorial. At this point you should have a working server and client and be able to connect. We're going to cover a couple different topics here so please check the Contents to find out what exactly you're looking for.

Known Issues

EVEmu as it is currently in development still has many known issues. Below will be a list of fixes that should fix common issues.

First Launch

This will fix an issue that causes some errors to pop up and certification planner to not open

  1. After you have logged into the game for the first time click ESC
  2. Go to General Settings
  3. Uncheck Show Tutorials

Market Seeding

The EVEmu Market by default comes unseeded. This means that there are no buy or sell orders populated into the database. We're going to cover how to fix that.

Docker Seeding

Figure 1

To be able to seed our market with the EVEmu docker setup we have to make a few changes to the docker-compose.yml

  1. Locate your root EVEmu directory
  2. Assuming you are on linux run nano docker-compose.yml
  3. You should be presented with something like Figure 1
  4. There are two changes you need to make here. Change #ports: to be ports:. Do this by removing the # in front of the line
  5. Next remove the # in front of #  - "3306:3306" so that it looks like   - "3306:3306"
  6. Ctrl + O
  7. Click Enter
  8. Ctrl + X
  9. Run your build again by running docker-compose -p evemu up -d
  10. Assuming you already have the mysql client installed run mysql -u evemu -p -h < sql/seed_and_clean/seed_market.sql from the evemu_Crucible folder.
  11. You will be prompted for a password. Enter evemu
  12. This will take awhile to complete. Once it is done run mysql -u evemu -p -h
  13. This will bring you into the mysql client connected to the EVEmu database.
  14. Insert use evemu;
  15. Click Enter
  16. Now run select * from mktOrders LIMIT 10; This command grabs the top 10 entries in the mktOrders table.
  17. If this command returns data you now have a successfully seeded market.
    1. NOTE: The script that we ran in Step 9 currently only seeds the Derelik Region. If you'd like to seed others please change the regionID variable in the seed_market.sql script
  18. Now with your market successfully seeded we suggest undoing steps 4 and 5 by replacing the comments and rerunning step 9. This makes your database no longer accessible from anywhere protecting it.

Source Seeding

  1. Locate your root EVEmu directory
  2. Assuming you already have the mysql client installed run mysql -u evemu -p -h < sql/seed_and_clean/seed_market.sql from the evemu_Crucible folder.
  3. You will be prompted for a password. Enter your evemu users password.
  4. This will take awhile to complete. Once it is done run mysql -u evemu -p -h
  5. This will bring you into the mysql client connected to the EVEmu database.
  6. Insert use evemu;
  7. Click Enter
  8. Now run select * from mktOrders LIMIT 10; This command grabs the top 10 entries in the mktOrders table.
  9. If this command returns data you now have a successfully seeded market.
    1. NOTE: The script that we ran in Step 9 currently only seeds the Derelik Region. If you'd like to seed others please change the regionID variable in the seed_market.sql script


Upgrading EVEmu to the latest build is quite easy. Assuming that you are utilizing Docker

  1. Locate your EVEmu directory. Navigate out of it with cd ..
  2. Run rm -rf evemu_Crucible
    1. The above is a very dangerous command. The way it is written right now only removes the EVEmu folder.
    2. This command removes the EVEmu Crucible folder which we will repull from the repository in the next step. Don't worry all of your game data is safe as we store it on Docker Volumes
  3. Now run git clone
  4. Run cd evemu_Crucible
  5. Run docker-compose -p evemu up -d --build
  6. This will completely rebuild the EVEmu server from source and redeploy it.
  7. Upgrade Complete.