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Progress in July 2014

All contributions to the main [Crucible] server.

- eveNames table added to contain proper updates for this table. database install scripts were updated to provide the user with a message to manually unzip all zip archives in ofic-updates directory. Aknor

- Large updates to modules Aknor

- corrected _Populate() function in DGM_Types_to_Wrecks_Table Aknor

- minor change in Reprocessing call packet decode xmlp Aknor

- tried minor fixes to chat class and calls to fix minor problems in chat Aknor

- attempts to spawn missile objects, but failed. Aknor

- Added code to create ice belts and modified GM command spawnbelt Aknor

- decent revisions to NCPAIMgr::Process() function that searches for ships to target based on cloak status, just warped in, or low standings. Aknor

- minor changes to spawn manager to set spawn points with x,y,z offsets from original spawn point Aknor

- Attempts to update DestinyManager Warp forumlas, again with no success Aknor

- Shield, armor, and hull resonance formulas have been corrected. Aknor

- ModuleManager changes Aknor

- Big changes and fixes to inventory management for Ship objects, now properly tracking cargo capacity usage as items are moved into and out of a Ship's inventory and different cargo bays' capacities tracked individually by flag. Aknor

- added code to provide a printout header above any client exception Aknor

- Two changes to ModuleEffects::_populate() to fix crashes Aknor

- Removed use of PersistentEffects map since changes in dgmEffectsInfo Aknor

- additions to the lpStore tables deslona

- update gm command giveskill for better performance zhyrohaad

- Missing Semicolon Inaughenth

- Include Directory Capitalization Conflict Inaughenth

- GetMultiOwnerEx DB query was bad sorted Reve

- BUG-82 evemu_setup_database.bat is now working Reve

- Fixed import path for modules Reve

- [LINUX BUG] Fixed CMake file to look for the Threads after the Boost library was built Reve

- Added ActivateAccelerationGate() call to KeeperService so that acceleration gates can be spawned and used Aknor

- Added a new Special Effects call to Destiny Manager to handle effects Aknor

- Ship class now has Dock() and Undock() functions Aknor

- Guilty of whitespace removal! Aknor

- Beginnings of CMake changes that will let some developers disable Aknor

- update gm command giveskill for better performance and add checks for ex zhyrohaad

- fixed my StupidMistake....missed changing a var name, and a few other zhyrohaad

- Loot tables added deslona

- fixes to invtypestowrecks table, also adds sleeper wrecks deslona

Recent activity (July 2013 to July 2014)

Module code

Passive, active, weapons and mining equipment have had some work done.

NPC's can (and do) attack

Star maps


Skill tree (Evil numbers)

More GM commands (spawning and killing NPCs)


Many additional changes.

Processing and manufacturing

Some of these fixes and additions have been on private contributors servers and tested. They will be added to the core server pending more testing and approval.


Everything below was made before 2013

SHORT TERM - 6 months

This plan is subject to change and seeks to look out to no longer than the next 6 months. These tasks ARE prioritized with 1. being worked on first and so forth.

Next Step Est. Time to Complete Description 1. 3 weeks AknorJaden's Secret Assignment.... SHHHHH! (it's secret) 1. 4-8 weeks Move the evemu source code Experimental branch to the Incursion v1.6 client 2. 4-8 weeks Re-design Module Manager originally written by Luck, design new abstract base classes for the different types of Modules and derive them to yield the 118 different module groups. Also, a "message" class, Module Action, will be designed that each Module class will populate with info that the Module Manager will use to do external actions such as apply overload damage to adjacent modules in the rack, modify ship attributes as a result of some action on this module, and apply damage/repair/attribute changes/energy transfer to a target ship by passing this object to the target ship's Module Manager. 2. 4-8 weeks MODULES PHASE 1: Research effects of active modules of all types and implement these effects along with their ship interaction and math equations to modify ship and target attributes in order to fully implement correct behavior of all active modules with a few exceptions:

  • All Gang Assist modules
  • Jump Drive modules
  • Interdiction Sphere launchers
  • Warp Disruption Field Generators
  • Smart Bomb and launchers
  • Doomsday devices (unless you warmongers really pull my leg hard)
  • Scan probes and launchers

LONG TERM - 1 year or more

This plan is subject to change and seeks to look even further out to a year or more ahead. These tasks are NOT prioritized.

Est. Time to Complete Description 8 weeks FLEETS: Research fleet packets and implement formation of fleets and all operations used on fleets 8 weeks MODULES PHASE 2: Research advanced effects and destiny interaction for the advanced types of modules that weren't implemented in PHASE 1:

  • All Gang Assist modules
  • Jump Drive modules
  • Interdiction Sphere launchers
  • Warp Disruption Field Generators
  • Smart Bomb and launchers
  • Doomsday devices (unless you warmongers really pull my leg hard)
  • Scan probes and launchers

2-4 weeks CORPORATIONS PHASE 1: Implement Corporations Registry, Role setting, and member joining 2-4 weeks CORPORATIONS PHASE 2: Implement Corporations standings, shares, voting, contracts, etc 2 weeks NPC SPAWN/AI PHASE 1: Roll any outstanding patches/work on NPC spawning/AI into Experimental branch and get basic NPC ship/fleet spawning working and NPC ship movement, targeting, combat, and loot drop working with some very basic embedded AI. 8-12 weeks NPC SPAWN/AI PHASE 2: Integrate some scripting language into the NPC AI system to allow custom AI scripted behavior to control NPC ships/fleets. Also, work on spawning more advanced 2-4 weeks MISSIONS/COMPLEXES PHASE 1: Develop way to capture mission sites' structures from EVE live and replicate and spawn them at will. 8-12 weeks MISSIONS PHASE 2: Capture mission profiles and feed them to mission manager to implement mission scripting. 2-4 weeks COMPLEXES PHASE 2: Create a spawn manager for Complexes connected to Cosmic Anomalies and Cosmic Signatures and drive their spawn behavior on System Security Level 4-8 weeks COMPLEXES PHASE 3: Advance spawning of Cosmic Signature and Cosmic Anomaly complexes using Sovereignty structures' upgrade levels - This requires at least Dominion Client support AND research into Sovereignty structure packets and behavior EVEmu PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STATUS Last Updated: 2011-01-25 by AknorJaden

Currently, active development since 2010-07-08 has been done on the EXPERIMENTAL branch.

A Short recent history of notable development activities:

DATE BRANCH ACTION COMMITTED? AUTHOR DESCRIPTION [2011-04-27] Experimental COMMIT YES AknorJaden Added the Kenny Translator to the chat system using a new slash command /kenny on/off [2011-04-18] Experimental COMMIT YES AknorJaden Last of the series of patches for Merging Attribute Rewrite branch into the Experimental branch and then make it compilable [2011-02-28] Experimental PATCH NO AknorJaden Major expansion of Celestial object spawning in-game, ship eject/boarding, cargo container usage, cargo jettison, jettison/launch for corp/self - PATCH POST [2011-01-31] Experimental PATCH NO 6opoDuJIo Small expansion to NPC ship spawning and control - PATCH POST [2011-01-07] Attribute_Rewrite PATCH YES AknorJaden Fixes to Captnoord's attribute_rewrite branch to make it operational and ready for merge into experimental branch - PATCH POST [2010-12-24] Experimental PATCH YES AknorJaden Just in time for X-mas! Major fixes to the Bookmark system - PATCH POST [2010-12-15] Attribute_Rewrite PATCH YES Captnoord Posted his first draft of a working version of his attribute_rewrite branch [2010-12-07] Experimental PATCH YES AknorJaden Major fixes to the Chat system - PATCH POST [2010-11-11] Experimental PATCH YES shanems3 Some server control/install stuff added to DBeditor - PATCH POST [2010-11-06] Experimental PATCH YES Beast Fixes to the Wallet to view Character and Journal transactions - PATCH POST [2010-11-05] Experimental PATCH YES Almamu Ban system in place - PATCH POST [2010-10-28] Experimental PATCH YES AknorJaden Bunch of fixes and new features for DBeditor - PATCH POST [2010-10-24] Experimental PATCH YES Tayron Fixes use of clones and upgrading them - PATCH POST [2010-10-06] Experimental PATCH YES Beast The Market works! \o/ - PATCH POST [2010-10-03] Experimental PATCH YES Beast Some fixes to the chat system - PATCH POST EVEmu Developers Work-In-Progress Board This table contains the list of EVEmu's currently active developers and what they're currently working on.

Developer What they're working on... When they started working on it... When they expect to finish... Bloody.Rabbit unknown unknown unknown Luck Re-designing Module Manager with AknorJaden's help End of April Mid-June to end of June 2011 Captnoord unknown unknown unknown Beast unknown unknown unknown Oza unknown unknown unknown DanTheBanjoman? unknown unknown unknown Shanems3 Decoding database for wiki/editing Client stuff files/adding features to EveMU dbeditor Sept. When i finish. :) Aknor Jaden Secret Assignment Mid-May 2011 Mid-June 2011 Aknor Jaden Re-designing Module Manager and Module classes with Luck's help End of April 2011 End of July 2011 ??? 6opoDuJIo some AI api April 2011 long time to work with that... EVEmu Testers Work-In-Progress Board This table contains the list of EVEmu's currently active testers and what they're currently working on.

Testers What they're working on... When they started working on it... When they expect to finish... Code_Red

Helping Aknor with Warp and other fundamentals of eve 3/3/11 When ever aknor is done coding. DaVinci?

Work with russian-languaged community. Working with Combo revision for apocrypha a few years ago when even i'll stop.