Old Wiki:Known Bugs and Issues (Crucible)

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General Interface Problems

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function In-game browser does not load pages 18-Jan-2014

Account and Character Management

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Window Freeze Opening Combat Log freezes the window and no more data can be pulled. 14-Jan-2014
Low Window Freeze Opening Decorations freezes the window and no more data can be pulled. 14-Jan-2014
Low Database Standings - Server correctly pulls from database but no information is created during character creation (tested by adding entries manually into DB) 18-Jan-2014

Skills - Certificates - Implants - Clones

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function Certificates>Open Certification Planner does not open (Keyboard shortcut command doesn't work either) 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Certificates are not automatically awarded/or notification given 14-Jan-2014
Low Visual Some skills display wrong attributes when used in skill window 14-Jan-2014
Low Convenience All attributes start on minimal scores and need to be remapped on character creation 14-Jan-2014
Low Convenience Remapping needs re-logging to take effect 14-Jan-2014
Low Convenience Pausing then Apply the skill queue removes all skills from training -- E SkillMgrBound::Handle_CharStartTrainingSkillByTypeID(): TODO: This is used on resuming skill queue, so should be implemented 20-Jan-2014
Low Function Implants do not check for required Cybernetics level and are not implanted. 20-Jan-2014

NPC Station Services

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function Insurance does not get offered 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Clicking ReCustomization has no effect 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Clicking Noble Exchange has no effect 14-Jan-2014
Medium Function Cannot get list of installations for manufacturing/research 14-Jan-2014
Low Visual HangarScene is empty space, not in-station image 14-Jan-2014
Medium Function Repair Services does not give quote 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Clicking on the 'Info" button for station owner opens the window but no information appears 14-Jan-2014
Medium Function Getting quotes for reprocessing/refining opens the window but doesn't give an offer. 14-Jan-2014

Character Interaction Menus

Priority Consequence Description Date tested

Chats - Local Corp Custom Private

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Visual Character names do not get updated in local chat to subsequent clients logging into the system after the first 14-Jan-2014
Low Visual Character names do not get updated in corp chat to subsequent clients logging into the system after the first 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Right clicking on Chat and opening "Open Channels" does not work 18-Jan-2014
Low Function Initiating a private conversation opens a new channel but the receiving party doesn't get a request to join. 18-Jan-2014

EvE Mail - Calendar - Events

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function Does not load mailbox, saving mails does work 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Does not open Calendar at all, via button or Shortcut command 19-Jan-2014

Module Management

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Resolved [1] Server crash Replacing a removed fitting to an empty slot crashes the server 19-Jan-2014
Medium Function Modules cannot load ammunition/charges 19-Jan-2014
Medium Function A module can be 'placed' over another. This will 'hide' the original. Persists after reset and undocking. Removing the newer module will reveal the original 19-Jan-2014
Medium Function Modules can be removed/moved around during flight. 19-Jan-2014

Item Properties Window

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Visual Blueprints do not display data or extra tabs 14-Jan-2014
Resolved [2] Database Adding a blueprint to inventory via GM commands or purchase crashed the server 17-Jan-2014

Market Windows - Buy Orders - Sell Orders

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function If several of the same item are sold at the same location, purchases are redirected. This occurs until the first order is completely sold out. The buy order is misplaced? 14-Jan-2014

Assets Window

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Window Freeze Upon opening window it freezes (Problem pulling data?) 14-Jan-2014

Wallet Window

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Visual Journal tab doesn't display information 14-Jan-2014
Low Visual Shares doesn't display information 14-Jan-2014
Low Window Freeze Transactions tab "LOAD" button freezes window (Problem pulling data?) 14-Jan-2014
Low Database Shares cannot be viewed in either Personal Wallet or Corporation wallet crpcharshares 19-Jan-2014


Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function Tab '2' when making contracts window is empty for all types of contacts. So it cannot be completed 14-Jan-2014

Map System

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function Search feature doesn't work and freezes 'World Map Control Panel' window 14-Jan-2014
Low Function When 'hovering; over a system it will show the mini-window- but it doesn't branch out to show station services and agents 14-Jan-2014
Low Server crash Opening the information window for moons or celestial bodies causes a crash 14-Jan-2014

Ship Management in Space

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Medium Function When leaving a space station can sometimes put you in the middle of the system 19-Jan-2014

Ship Navigation in Space

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function Autopilot will randomly turn itself off during a trip 14-Jan-2014
Medium Convenience Server 'hangs' as it tried to load a new system when the player is going through a stargate 14-Jan-2014

Ship Combat in Space

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Medium Functional Shields do not save to their repaired state even though they appear to regenerate 17-Jan-2014
Low Functional Shields do not regenerate when docking/leaving a station 17-Jan-2014

NPC Combat Spawning AI

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Medium Server stability Adding NPC's (Caldari Turrent III) can cause the server to think in loops as there are errors, can increase loading times from seconds to minutes (and still spawns nothing) 14-Jan-2014

Scan and Directional Probing

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function D-scan 'looks' but cannot find DB? So it keeps looking (Same manner as searching for a system in Maps)

Fleet Management

Priority Consequence Description Date tested

Overview Management

Priority Consequence Description Date tested

Corporation Management

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low Function Cannot find button for corporation 14-Jan-2014
Low Window Freeze Upon opening Corporation Assets window it freezes (Problem pulling data?) When closing Corp window and reopening it stays on Assets 14-Jan-2014
Low Database Upon creating a Corporation. It replaces the image and name with that of an established (NPC corporation. Ticker and tax rate is correct. 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Unable to move corporation headquarters (Unknown call error) 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Corporation Names and creation issues Details: http://forum.evemu.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=40990 14-Jan-2014
Low Visual Corporation>Home at the bottom all 3 buttons (Dividends, Bulletin and Divisions) are all squashed together - re-logging fixes this but removes Bulletin. 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Server 'forgets' which wallet division you select 14-Jan-2014
Low Function Server does not search for Corporations when applying to join 18-Jan-2014
Low Function Server displays "access denied" when browsing Corp Wallet (cant remember which one you have selected?) 18-Jan-2014
Low Function Changing/creating a corporation does not create a new entry in chremployment 19-Jan-2014
Low Database Value error pulling Character applications (no data appears) chrapplications 19-Jan-2014

Alliance Management

Priority Consequence Description Date tested

Player Owned Station (POS) Deployment and Management

Priority Consequence Description Date tested

Outpost Construction and Management

Priority Consequence Description Date tested

NPC Corporation Missions

Priority Consequence Description Date tested
Low No missons NPC agents do not display mission text/data from database 17-Jan-2014
Low Function Agent Finder does not open 17-Jan-2014

EvE Server API

Priority Consequence Description Date tested