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Latest revision as of 16:19, 3 April 2021

This is just a copy of my local contract system documentation:

 * contractMgrService *
    Should return a PyDict with 2 values
        |-> n = Number of contracts that requires attention and are not from corp
        \-> ncorp = Number of contracts that requires attention and are from corp
    It's called at the "entering the station sequence" and makes the contract icons to blink

    Should return a PyDict with this data:
        |->numOutstandingContractsNonCorp = ChrContractInfo.numOutstandingContractsNonCorp
        |->numOutstandingContractsForCorp = ChrContractInfo.numOutstandingContractsForCorp
        |->numOutstandingContracts = ChrContractInfo.numOutstandingContracts
        |->numOutstandingContractsLeft = ChrContractInfo.numOutstandingContractsLeft
        |->numRequiresAttention = ChrContractInfo.numRequiresAttention
        |->numRequiresAttentionCorp = ChrContractInfo.numRequiresAttention
        |->numAssignedTo = ChrContractInfo.numAssignedTo
        |->numAssignedToCorp = ChrContractInfo.numAssignedToCorp
        |->numBiddingOn = ChrContractInfo.numBiddingOn
        |->numInProgress = ChrContractInfo.numInProgress
        |->numBiddingOnCorp = ChrContractInfo.numBiddingOnCorp
        \->numInProgressCorp = ChrContractInfo.numInProgressCorp

    Should return ChrContractInfo.numOutstandingContracts

    Im not completely sure as i havent time to do some test with this but maybe the client sends a INT with the station where look at
    return all the items in the station, if not arg is given return the items in the actual station

    Should return a PyInt with the id of the contract
    It's called when Finish button of Create Contract form is pressed
    The client sends those args:
    <elementDef name="Call_CreateContract">
            <int name="type" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <int name="avail" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <int name="assigneeID" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <int name="expiretime" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <int name="duration" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <int name="startStationID" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <int name="endStationID" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <long name="price" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <long name="collateral" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <long name="reward" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <wstring name="title" none_marker="0" />
            <string name="description" none_marker="0"/>

    Also the client sends a sub-call part with some useful PyDicts and ints:
        |->requestItemTypeList = PyDict, contains typeID and quantity of items requested
        |->flag = INT, contains the flag of the items selected, maybe it can be a dict too ?
        |->itemList = PyDict, contains itemID and quantity of items that the user will give, those need to be moved from the user's hangars
        \->forCorp = BOOL, indicates if the contract is for corp or for character

    Steps for create a contract:
        Step 1: Check if the client has contracts left from ChrContractInfo, if not return false
        Step 2: Create a "crate"( cargo container or something like ? ) with location in the current station and ownerID = 1
        Step 3: Read one by one the ids of the itemList and do this with each one
            Step 3.1: Get the volume of the item and add it to general volume of the contract
            Step 3.2: Change the location of the item to the crate created recently
            Step 3.3: Add the basic item data to ContractItems with get = false, inCrate = crateID created in Step 1
        Step 4: Read one by one the ids of the requestItemTypeList and do this with each one
            Setp 4.1: Add the basic item data to ContractItems with get = true and itemID = false
        Step 5: Add the contract information to ContractInfo
        Step 6: Update the ChrContractInfo table, so reflects one more contract
        Step 7: Return the contractID of the contract to the client

    The client will send a single Integer Arg
    Should return a dict with these values:
            |->contract = ContractInfo WHERE contractID = arg
            |->items = ContractItems WHERE contractID = arg
            \->bids = ContractBids WHERE contractID = arg

    The client will send these args:
    <elementDef name="Call_DeleteContract">
            <int name="contractID" /> <!-- Never should be null/none-->
                <!-- Not sure for what we need this info  -->
                <stringInline value="util.KeyVal" />
                    <int name="type" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <int name="avail" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <int name="assigneeID" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <int name="expiretime" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <int name="duration" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <int name="startStationID" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <int name="endStationID" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <long name="price" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <long name="collateral" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <long name="reward" default="0" none_marker="0" />
                    <wstring name="title" />
                    <string name="description" />
    Should return true or false if the contract was/wasn't deleted

    First it should check that the contract information in the DB is equal to the contract information sent by client
    If is equal
        Get the crate ID and delete it without deleting the items
        Get all the items from ContractItems WHERE contractID = contractID sent by the client AND get = false
        Change the location of the item to ContractInfo.locationID so the items come back to your hangar
        Delete all the items from ContractItems WHERE contractID = contractID sent by the client
        Update the ChrContractInfo data for issuerID of the contract depending on forCorp value and more:
// These queryes can't fail if the DB is correctly installed so we don't need to check them
    if( ( requiresAttention ) && ( !forCorp ) )sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET requiresAttention=requiresAttention-1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);
    if( ( requiresAttention ) && ( forCorp ) )sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET requiresAttentionCorp=requiresAttentionCorp-1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);

    if( ( isAccepted ) && ( !forCorp ) )sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numInProgress=numInProgress-1 WHERE characterID=%d", acceptorID);
    if( ( isAccepted ) && ( forCorp ) )sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numInProgressCorp=numInProgressCorp-1 WHERE characterID=%d", acceptorID);

    if( !forCorp )sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numOutstandingContractsNonCorp=numOutstandingContractsNonCorp-1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);
    if( forCorp )sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numOutstandingContractsForCorp=numOutstandingContractsForCorp-1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);

    sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numOutstandingContracts=numOutstandingContracts-1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);
        Delete the contract info and return true to the client
    If is not equal
        SendNotifyMessage like: "The contract has changed, please review these changes first"
        Return false to the client

    The client will send these args:
    <elementDef name="Call_GetContractListForOwner">
            <int name="characterID" />
            <int name="status" none_marker="0" />
            <int name="contractType" none_marker="0" />
            <bool name="isAccepted" none_marker="false" />

    First it should check for ContractInfo WHERE issuerID = characterID AND status = status AND type = contractType AND isAccepted = isAccepted and fetch it from the DB
    Now should read all the contractIDs from the last query and fetch ContractItems WHERE contractID = ContractInfo.contractID
    Should return a dict with these values:
            |->contract = First query
            \->items = Second query

    The client will send these args:
    <elementDef name="Call_GetContractList" >
            <int name="type" />
            <string name="title" />
            <int name="priceMin" />
            <int name="priceMax" />
            <int name="issuedByIDs" />
            <int name="assigneeID" />
            <int name="stationID" />
            <int name="solarSystemID" />
            <int name="regionID" />
            <int name="itemTypeID" />
            <int name="itemCategoryID" />
            <int name="itemGroupID" />

    Should return a dict with these values:
            |->contract = All the contract that fits the filters
            |->items = All items for every contract that fits the filters
            \->bids = All the bids for every contract that fits the filers

    The client will send these args:
    <elementDef name="Call_AcceptContract">
            <int name="contractID" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <bool name="unknown" none_marker="false" /><!-- isAccepted status from the contract? -->

    Should check first if the contract isAccepted, if not do this query;
        UPDATE ContractInfo SET isAccepted=1, acceptorID=%d, status=1, dateAccepted="I64u" WHERE contractID=%d", call.client->GetCharacterID(), Win32Time_Now, contractID
        Also the acceptor should pay the collateral

    Should return true or false

    The client will send these args:
    <elementDef name="Call_CompleteContract">
            <int name="contractID" default="0" none_marker="0" />
            <int name="status" default="0" none_marker="0" /><!-- contract status?-->

    status values:
        status = 7 -> Failed
        status = 6 -> Rejected
        status = 4 -> Completed

    The call should change the ChrContractInfo according to status( sent by the client ) and change the status value from ContractInfo WHERE contractID = contractID sent by the client
    If status = complete contract you should check for all the items and conditions to accomplish before moving any money or changing the contract info

    if( ( unknown != 7 ) && ( unknown != 6 ) && ( unknown != 4 ) )
        if( forCorp )
            sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numRequiresAttentionCorp=numRequiresAttentionCorp+1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);
            sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numRequiresAttention=numRequiresAttention+1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);

    if( unknown == 4 )
        if( forCorp )sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numOutstandingContractsForCorp=numOutstandingContractsForCorp-1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);
        else sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numOutstandingContractsNonCorp=numOutstandingContractsNonCorp-1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);
        sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numOutstandingContracts=numOutstandingContracts-1 WHERE characterID=%d", contractOwnerID);

    if( forCorp )sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numInProgressCorp=numInProgressCorp-1 WHERE characterID=%d", acceptorID);
    else sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE chrcontractinfo SET numInProgress=numInProgress-1 WHERE characterID=%d", acceptorID);

    Should have all the main data of the contract:
        uint32 contractID;
        uint32 issuerID; -> Character who created the contract
        uint32 issuerCorpID; -> If the contract is for corp this will be the corporationID of the character who created this contract
        uint32 type; -> contract type, is sent by the client
        uint32 avail; -> Indicates if the contract is public or private
        uint32 assigneeID; -> If the contract was asigned by the characterID to another character this will be the characterID who is assigned to
        uint32 expiretime; -> Time in Win32 format of the duration of the contract
        uint32 duration; -> Should be the number of days before contract expiration, anyway its send by the client as 0, maybe should be expiretime / Win32_Day
        uint32 startStationID; -> Station where the contract was created
        uint32 endStationID; -> Station where the items should be delivered if loan contract is selected
        uint32 startSolarSystemID; -> Solar system where the contract was created
        uint32 endSolarSystemID; -> Solar system where the items should be delivered if loan contract is selected
        uint32 startRegionID; -> Region where the contract was created
        uint32 endRegionID; -> Region where the items should be delivered if loan contract is selected
        double price; -> Cost of the items or start of the bid if applicable
        double reward; -> Money will be given when the contract is completed
        double collateral; -> Quantity of ISK the acceptor will pay when accepting the contract
        std::string title; -> Title of the contract, im not sure but i think this needs to be generated by the server
        std::string description; -> Description of the contract sent by the client
        bool forCorp; -> Indicates if the contract is for a corp or for a character
        uint32 status; -> Status of the contract, 0 when contract is created
        bool isAccepted; -> If the contract is accepted by someone this should be true
        uint32 acceptorID; -> The characterID who accepted the contract
        uint64 dateIssued; -> Date when the contract was created
        uint64 dateExpired; -> Date when the contract will expire if not accepted
        uint64 dateAccepted; -> If the contract is Accepted the date when the character accepted the contract
        uint64 dateCompleted; -> When the contract was completed, before deletion
        double volume; -> The total volume of the items if the contract is loan
        bool requiresAttention; -> If the contract has recently changed and the creator needs to see these changes( like acception, rejection, etc )this should be true, when the creator sees the changes this should be false
        uint32 allianceID; -> AllianceID of the character who created the contract
        uint32 issuerWalletKey; -> Not sure how this should work as is part of the corporation system
        uint32 crateID; -> ID of the "crate/cargo container ?" where the items are placed

    Should have all the main data of the items, and some info of the blueprint( if applicable )
        uint32 id; -> Indexing purposes
        uint32 itemID; -> If the item is given by the contract creator should point to the itemID of the item
        uint32 contractID; -> ID 
        uint32 quantity; -> Quantity of this item
        uint32 flag; -> Normally Hangar Flag, indicates where the item was got
        uint32 typeID; -> typeID of the item in invTypes
        uint32 ownerID; -> If the item is given by the contract creator should point to the characterID who created the contract
        uint32 inCrate; -> ID of the crate where the item is if applicable
        uint32 bpRuns; -> blueprint specific
        uint32 parentID; -> Dont know what this is used for, also blueprint specific ?
        bool get; -> if the item is requested or given by the contract creator

    Not sure if this is correct, but should be something like this:
        uint32 bidID; -> Indexing purposes
        uint32 contractID; -> contractID to wich the bid is
        uint32 issuerID; -> characterID of the bidder
        double quantity; -> Quantity of ISK bidded
        uint32 issuerCorpID; -> corporationID of the bidder
        uint32 issuerStationID; -> stationID of the bidder
        uint32 issuerSolarSystemID; -> solarSystemID of the bidder
        uint32 issuerRegionID; -> regionID of the bidder

    These fields are completely confirmed:
        uint32 characterID;
        uint32 numOutstandingContractsNonCorp;
        uint32 numOutstandingContractsForCorp;
        uint32 numOutstandingContracts;
        uint32 numContractsLeft;
        uint32 numRequiresAttention;
        uint32 numRequiresAttentionCorp;
        uint32 numAssignedTo;
        uint32 numAssignedToCorp;
        uint32 numBiddingOn;
        uint32 numInProgress;
        uint32 numBiddingOnCorp;
        uint32 numInProgressCorp;