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Revision as of 20:04, 17 October 2021 by Jdhirst (talk | contribs)
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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I find the names of the containers which are currently running?

A: Use the command docker ps to list running containers

Q: How do I access logs from my server container?

A: Use the command docker logs <server container name>

Q: How do I access the shell from the server or db docker containers?

A: to get into the docker container you can use docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash

Q: How do I get console access to the EVEmu server container?

A: to get game console access, you can use docker attach <container name>

Q: How do I copy files into the EVEmu server container?

A: to copy files into the container use docker cp <file> <container name>:<path>

Q: How do I get a mysql shell from the db container?

A: for the db container, if you want a mysql shell use docker exec -it <db container name> mysql -uevemu -pevemu evemu

Q: How do I access the mysql port on the server?

A: This port not exposed by default, only if manually exposed by editing the compose file (uncomment the port 3306 line)

Q: HELP! My db is slow!!!!

A: protip, If your DB is slow, its likely due to your system not being able not being able to handle a large amount of seeded market data. This data is not required for testing as players can use the ".create" command to create whatever item they want. However, if this is really necessary, ensure that only 1 or 2 regions are seeded, and the saturation level is low such as 0.4 or even lower.